Federal Court Crimes
Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Dallas, TX
Highly respected Dallas Federal criminal defense attorney with 22+ years of experience. Aggressive, skilled lawyer for the defense of Federal criminal charges. 10/10 AVVO rating. Free consultation.
Many of the REALLY high profile cases in the news are filed in federal court. However, the federal courts are full every day with cases that are of significant importance to the individual charged even though they will never be on the news. In either case, if that is you, you have come to the right place. Dallas federal criminal defense attorney Roger E. Haynes has handled numerous drug cases that never hit the papers, and some higher profile stuff like possession of child pornography cases that have.
Free Consultation
Speak with Dallas federal criminal defense attorney Roger E. Haynes personally and confidentially today. Call him now at (214) 526-3300.
Our office sets itself apart from other law firms by committing the time, experience and resources necessary to get you the best possible result.

From day one we will evaluate your case, scrutinize the government’s evidence, investigate defenses and strategies and advise you on the best course of action.
In federal court you must always take the Federal Sentencing Guidelines into account and Roger has the experience to anticipate what the courts will consider when it comes time for trial or sentencing.
The Federal courts are vastly different than State courts so it is important to hire a federal criminal defense attorney in Dallas, TX who has the experience to avoid the pitfalls of negotiating the federal system.
Common Federal Crimes
- Bank Fraud
- Bank Robbery
- Bankruptcy Fraud
- Bribery
- Conspiracy to Distribute Drugs
- Counterfeiting
- Espionage
- False Statements to Agents
- Felon in Possession of a Firearm
- Gang Activity
- Kidnapping
- Mail Fraud
- Money Laundering
- Obstruction of Justice
- Possession of Illegal Weapons
- Possession/Distribution of Child Pornography
- Racketeering and Extortion
- Rioting
- SEC Violations
- Securities Fraud
- Theft of Trade Secrets
- Trafficking in Persons
- Treason
- Unlawful Reentry
- Wire Fraud