Misdemeanor Crimes
Misdemeanor Criminal Defense Attorney Dallas, TX
Highly respected Dallas misdemeanor lawyer with 22+ yrs experience. Aggressive, skilled attorney for defense of misdemeanor charges. 10/10 AVVO rating. Free consultation.
Misdemeanor offenses can carry punishments of up to a year in jail and a $4000 fine. Some are more severe than others but any misdemeanor charge can tarnish your record and have serious long term consequences.
Call Dallas misdemeanor criminal defense attorney Roger E. Haynes today for a free consultation and learn how he can help you fight the charges and minimize the impact this case has on your future. Call Dallas criminal defense attorney Roger Haynes.
Below is a list of commonly charged Misdemeanor crimes. If what you are charged with is not on the list, please call. Roger can discuss with you whether the case is uncommon or may not be a misdemeanor level offense.

Free Consultation
Speak with Dallas misdemeanor lawyer Roger Haynes personally and confidentially about the defense of your charges. Call (214) 526-3300 now for a free consultation.
Common Misdemeanors
- Assault by Contact
- Assault Bodily Injury
- Assault Bodily Injury Family Member
- Boating While Intoxicated
- Burglary of a Motor Vehicle
- Criminal Trespass
- Criminal Mischief
- Deadly Conduct
- Disorderly Conduct
- Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
- Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)
- Driving While Intoxicated 2nd
- Driving with a Suspended License
- Evading Arrest
- Failure to Identify to a Police Officer
- False Report to a Police Officer
- Gambling
- Graffiti
- Indecent Exposure
- Possession of a Dangerous Drug
- Possession of Marijuana
- Prostitution
- Public Lewdness
- Terroristic Threat
- Theft by Check
- Theft Under $50
- Theft $50-500
- Theft $500-1500
- Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon
- Violation of a Protective Order
A misdemeanor should be treated seriously and you should hire an attorney who is going to take it seriously.
If you think that a misdemeanor is no big deal, you’re sadly mistaken. Any kind of criminal charge can follow you around for the rest of your life. Yes, you read that correctly, the rest of your life. That’s a long time. You really should be thinking long term when you decide which attorney to hire. This is a very important decision.
Roger E Haynes Attorney at Law will work hard to fully investigate each case and fight the allegations if possible. We will discuss the available options with you and help you understand all of the consequences of each of the options. If necessary we will negotiate with the government to try to reach a resolution that will make sure that your criminal record remains clean to preserve your future job opportunities and other valuable rights.
Future Unseen Consequences
Sometimes the 1st misdemeanor charge isn’t what causes you the most trouble. It is the next one of the same type that happens years later that is unexpectedly enhanced to a higher punishment because of the existence of the first one on your record. Let us help you fight to keep that first one off your record.
Also, as with Family Violence cases for example, there can be other consequences not directly related to punishment for the offense itself. If you are found guilty of a family violence offense, under federal law, you will no longer be able to legally own a firearm for the rest of your life. These are the kinds of details that you need to know and we will explain to you before you choose how you want to handle your misdemeanor case. Contact Dallas misdemeanor criminal defense attorney Roger E. Haynes for a for a free consultation.
Diversion Programs
Several counties in the DFW area have programs for low level misdemeanor offenders with no record, that participation in will allow for the possibility of the case being dismissed. Some of these are generally called diversion programs. In other words, the case is diverted out of the normal channels of how cases are handled. For example, if the client completes some simple conditions such as a class, community service hours and/or submits a clean urine test then the government will dismiss the charges.
Diversion programs can be a valuable life line for a young first time offender to avoid an otherwise looser misdemeanor case from turning into a conviction. These are the types of solutions that we work hard to find in serving the long term needs of our clients.